Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Breaking Point

Ever feel like you are at your breaking point? You cry and no one is there to wipe your tears; no one to listen; no one to help. I am there now. I have been low before but this is another level. After the tears have past and several deep breaths; you can think some what clearly.
There is one thing in life that is a monster. An unforgiving monster. What is that you may ask... MONEY. You work so hard to get money but it is gone so much faster than what you can make it. Its lifeless; green; dirty; old; weightless; but it makes your world go round. No money will not make you happy. To be happy you have to find that within yourself. But if you have no one to talk to you can't find out what makes you happy.
Not having "anyone" that should care (family) but having lots of people (friends, co-workers, teammates, ect.) Makes one feel alone. Alone in this huge world. Not being able to talk to family is the worst feeling in the world. And when you are at your breaking point you feel that there is no point at all to this thing we call life.
Doing something that you love. Something you cant go a day without thinking about. (sport, hobby)  you should enjoy it. While doing it; it should have your undivided attention. But when you are so low you can't help but think about all the negative in your life.
I am good at giving advice to other people. But I am known to not taking my own advice. And that is something that I have to learn to do. Somethings easier said than done.
You have to have something to look forward to; to keep you going; to keep you pushing for your goal. But until you can find that..... you will struggle.
Words are sharper than knifes. And once those words are out they can never be taken back. Words will kill; words will hurt for a life time. And tonight was one of those nights.

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