Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Which Derby Job Is For You?

No sure if you want to be a hard hitting derby girl? Well there are plenty of ways to be involved with your favorite team! Here is a few that may interest you...
Referee- So the hard hits aren't for you? Well if you are a ref you can't get much closer to the action then doing this job! It takes a lot of work to be a ref though! You have to know the rules like the back of you hand; and be ready for some boo-ing and crazy fans screaming at you!
Announcer- If you like giving things in a play-by-play manner this may be the job for you! You are the ones that help the fans get into the bout. Maybe the bout have been delayed due to the refs discussing a play; and the fans are withdrawing from the bout and getting impatient this is where you improvise and get them involved with something
NSO (Non-Skating Official)- This job title has lots of jobs under it! You could be a score keeper, run the score board, penalty box timer, penalty tracker; the list goes on. If you are one of these guys keep in mind that doing your job does mean that you don't get to watch the bout. (Sucky deal) With out these people there would be no back bone to a bout. These people help everything run smoothly through the night!
Coach- Maybe you know derby inside and out, but you have an injure that is not allowing you to skate anymore. This could be a great job for you if you love teaching how to play the sport you love. But there are downfalls to this. Sitting in the sidelines and not being able to play. You can't get upset with a ref and yell at them for making a bad call that is a great way to get ejected! Also you can't get all mad at your players and scream at them because they are going to get pissed at you and it will not be good for anyone! Also don't be a douche bag coach...if you are going to date a player.... don't be unfair. Please, please, please do not show favoritism that is the worst thing you could do and you can be assured you will not win the best coach award!
Fan- No time to be a derby girl? That's alright! This is the most important job of them all! With out you (fan) there would be no real reason to practice! With the small amount it takes for your ticket (cheaper than most other sporting event tickets) you are helping your local derby team pay for practice space, jerseys, equipment, supplies, the list goes on. But not only are you helping your local team but you get to watch the most bad ass sport ever! And you can drink a few beers while doing it!
If you think that one of these sound like something you would enjoy doing get in contact with your local derby team and see if you can help out! You can bet if that you don't like any of these they will find something you could help do weather it's at practice or selling tickets at a bout. You can bet your help is always welcome! So what are you waiting for! Get going!
Check out the awesome Time Warp Video that Danforth Johnson made of our home bout prep and take down!

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