Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Every Sinner Has A Future; Every Saint Has A Past

This phrase has a lot of meaning if you step back and look at the whole picture. Today people say "Oh I hate it when people judge" but then they are the first ones to judge the guy walking down the street with tattoos all down his arms. It is so easy to judge some one you have never met. But why is it so easy to judge rather than reading in between the lines and getting to know the person? Is it fear? Is it the social media? NO ONE is perfect and NO ONE has the right to judge anyone. We all have our flaws and we all have our strong points. Everyone learns from there mistakes and becomes a better person because of that. Even though someone may turn there nose to anything but the straight and narrow path, but what caused them to do that. No one is the same person they were 10+ years ago or even 5 years ago. Something somewhere made them want to be on the straight and narrow. But do not let them get you down, rise above and do what makes you feel good!
That is why I love derby so much. We all come from different backgrounds, none of us are the same in anyway. But yet once we put our skates and gear all that all goes away and we are all the same and there for the same reason, good bad or indifferent we are all there for the love of derby. Some of us may be teachers, book-keepers, nurse; but once our skates, helmets, and pads are on... we are all DERBY GIRLS.
Just remember that no one can judge you, no one knows who you are and how you got there.

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