Thursday, August 29, 2013

Derby, Derby, Derby

DERBY, DERBY, DERBY, AND MORE DERBY!!! That is all I have been thinking about for the past few days. Yes I never go a day without thinking about something derby related but lately with not having a job (wasn't getting a paycheck; I don't work for free) I have had a lot of time on my hands. Not only that but now that I am a month into being part of Old Capitol City Roller Girls they have added me onto the Yahoo group and the message board. YES it can be very overwhelming but it also puts my mind at easy because I know I have a group of girls that LOVE the same thing I do. YES I am new to derby (not even a full year of skating under my belt) but one thing is for sure I am ADDICTED. I strive to one day have the skills of my fellow skaters like BAMF (Team United) Deadwards (OCCRG) and I will do everything in my power to become as skilled as these ladies!
Derby has defiantly put a strain on my relationship with my boyfriend. At first he thought it would be cool that his girlfriend was on a derby team, after attending a few bouts alone he felt that derby was "dumb" and "boring" I assured him that now that I was on a bigger team that things would be different, he has yet to believe me. I have held my head high and not let his negative thoughts/ comments effect my derby love. Derby is my drug; hunting is his. He has never really been into sports; I live for sports. Everyone needs a hobby, my hobby just happens to be bad ass ;) I have told him that that I will never pick him or any other man over derby. I told him that my skates will always be waiting for me when I get home from work, when I have a bad day. My skates will never judge me, my skates will always support me (in more than one way) Call me selfish but I have to do what is right for me and look out for my best interests. But hey, I can always get a derby wife right???



  1. Consider talking to him about why you love derby to help him understand. Talk to him about what it does for your self esteem and your sense of community. I have seen first hand what happens when a significant other doesn't support the derby dream. Either the girl doesn't last in derby, or as in my case, the other stops being so significant. My 2 year relationship didn't last 4 months of derby. Derby didn't do it, but rather it gave me the confidence to walk away from an unhealthy relationship that I should have left years before. I'm telling you, no man that really loves you will deter you from doing something that makes you happy, even if he doesn't quite understand it.

  2. Katie that is great advice! Thanks for your input. I had a sit down with my boyfriend and I explained to him how derby is my get away. I think he understands a bit more and may give it another shot!
