Saturday, August 10, 2013


So I thought I would give the blogging world a chance. 
I am 20 years old. I was introduced to roller derby about a year ago and fell in love! In high school I was the scrappy basketball player. The one that left it all on the floor. I have always had a passion for sports. And now entering the derby world I am kinda lost with somethings. I don't gave derby friends that live close to me to help me out with my issues with my skates or help me pick wheels out. I don't have anyone to really talk to my boyfriend thinks that derby is pretty boring. (He doesnt know what he is missing) 

I had been skating for OMG but the team fell apart from lack of a team. So I packed my skates away for about 6 months. The Old Capitol City Roller Girls were holding try-outs so on June 30th I tried out. On July 6th I got an email saying that I had made the team! I was so excited! On August 4th I had my first practice and holy cow they worked me good! Working out for an hour then skating for 2! On August 6th I had my 2nd practice and attempted my 27 laps in 5 minutes.... I got 23 in 5 (not bad for not skating in 7 months) so that will be my goal for this month to pass my skills test and skate on 9/20 

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