Workout on Skates–
Practicing your favorite workouts such as squats, burpees and one-legged
deadlifts can really improve your balance and stability, it will help you feel
your skates and how your trucks and wheels behave under your feet. Try and
control what your wheels are doing whilst balancing and performing a squat, it
will really test your stabilizer muscles, and core. You can also use your
skates like ankle weights performing leg raises and donkey kicks or take them
off and use them as hand weights or makeshift kettle bells!
Housework on Skates– Just
wearing your skates around the house, going about your daily activities can
really help you become one with them. It might even mean you get your housework
done quicker. The more at home you feel in your skates, the better you will
feel in them on the track. If you have carpet like I do, it makes it more of a
workout and you really have to use strength to get around the house- but makes
it a breeze when you get to practice!
Outdoor Skating– If you
are used to skating on polished concrete, smooth, flat surfaces this will be an
eye opener. There are all sorts of obstacles– stones, drains, surface changes,
random bumps in the road/sideway – great for building your stability,
core and awareness. And--because there tends to be a lot of resistance, it’s a
good cardio workout too, especially skating uphill! Don't forget to wear
your pads, especially your helmet- anything can come out of nowhere and
leave you on your booty. Yes you may feel like you look silly, but it's better
to be safe than sorry. I even wear my knee pads to a skating rink. You never
know when the children are going to wipe out in front of you and you will need
to take a knee! (I learned that the hard way)
Skate Park– If you have a skate park nearby,
go check it out. Most of the time there is a good variety of ramps of
different inclines and maybe even some bowls, half and quaterpipes
and other things that will really test your stability, core strength and
bravery! Having the guts to drop into a bowl or take on a jump, even if it’s
just a tiny one to begin, will increase your confidence, and it's always fun to
show up the teenage skateboarders plus not only that but you will
look pretty wicked. Please WEAR ALL OF YOUR GEAR!
Hockey- Go pick up a game with the local kids down the street. The
quick changes in direction, stopping on a dime and using your arms and legs in
coordination in roller hockey can really help improve your agility. Since
hockey is played in all directions, not just to the left will also help balance
your body rather than only being able to do stuff in one direction like roller
derby. If you can handle people flinging hockey pucks and hockey sticks towards
you, there will be no fear when playing derby!
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