Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What's In Your Gear Bag??

I hate when it comes time to clean out my gear bag- for the most part. I tend to find lots of things that I have missed placed, forgot about or even just stuffed in there for lack of a garbage can. 
The contents of my bag usually has the following:
STENCH                            Black & White jersey
Gear                                    Towels
Skates                                 Water bottles             
Snacks                                 Skate tool
Extra contacts                     Contact solution
Those pesky tampons         Small first aid kit
Chap Stick                          Hair ties/bobby pins 

Raunchy Socks                   Screw Driver
Extra Wheels                      Extra Bearings
Misc nuts, bolts and washers, toe stops
Duct tape (at least one roll)
This is just my bag- some times I have more interesting things but for the most part this is a pretty good overview.
What's in your bag? What's the weirdest thing you have ever seen in a skate bag? Comment below!

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