Saturday, August 31, 2013

Derby Cherry Popped

Week Before
I realize that it is 7 days before my first bout. The first nerves start to kick in. Asking the girls on my team what they thought that I needed to work on before the bout. They  told me just to focus on my basics not to over think everything. But sure enough my nerves wouldn't let me do anything but worry about my skating. 

Night Before
I attended a Luke Bryan concert at Steam Boat Days; on the way home from the concert the ride consisted of  planning the day the next day. Mapping the route to Waterloo. Setting a schedule, making sure my replacement was still coming in at 3pm so I could leave on time. Once I got home I made sure I had all my stuff packed. Checking and rechecking my skates, wheels, pads. I tried on all of my fishnets pairing them with different spankies trying to pick the best match that went with my jersey and skates. And the whole time texting my best friend excited about the next day. So badly I wanted to sleep but it was so hard, having a great time at the concert and then the nerves about what tomorrow had in store. 

Day Of: June 16th, 2012
I had to be at work at 8:30 that morning. That was the longest day of my life! Trying to focus on my paperwork for work I kept going over pack formation, trying to remember if I had packed extra stuff (which I had) my nerves were in over-drive. The clocked turned 2pm, I was already texting my co-worker making sure she was going to be there on time. Texting my best friend making sure he was going to be at my house on time. Finally 3pm came and I clocked out and was out the door, 5 hours till game time!

Drive To Waterloo
I met Austin and Pedro at my house, car packed, gassed up and ready to roll; and then we were off. iPod hooked up and cranked up. Jamming out and talking about everything under the sun. Austin riding shotgun and Pedro in the back with no shirt on. Joking and carrying on. It was about a 2 hour drive to Waterloo. We stopped about an hour into it for a pee/smoke break (I don't smoke in my car) Pedro had pulled out a water bottle, it sure wasn't water in that thing ;) Now it was time to finish the last hour of the drive. I told Austin that he had control of the radio bout about 30 more minutes then it was my time. 30 minutes came and it was my turn to put my playlist on. My Derby Playlist. I was getting in the zone. 

Pre-Bout (2 hours before)
We pull into the parking lot. Not sure if we were in the right place, not sure what building to go into. I park and we sit there for awhile. Cars starting to pull in. We were early no one from my team was there yet. Finally some one from my team showed up. I decided to get out. The guys stayed in the car. I walked into the venue. One thing was for sure...IT WAS HOTT!! The building didn't have AC.  I looked at all the empty seats, knowing that in about an hour or so they would be filled with screaming fans, my friends, strangers. I made my way to the skaters table. I had to sign in, give my medical info, emergency contact, sign a waiver, photo release all that good crap (SO MANY PAPERS) 

Locker Room
I made my way into the locker room, It was just as hot as it was on the track! I pick a spot and set my gear down. I check my phone, no messages, just about hour and a half before game time. My nerves were in OVERDRIVE!! So I decide to start getting ready. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I got in there and had one hell of a time deciding if I was going to wear underwear or not. Well being so nervous I just did. I put my fishnets on, and then my spankies, then my high socks and then my jersey. It felt real now. Knowing that this was it. The other girls were rolling in, laughing, joking, calm as could be and I was nothing but a bucket of nerves. I asked BAMF if she thought my wheels would be OK on this surface, she said that they maybe a bit slick. She dug around in her bag and pulled out a back of wheels and threw them at me. She said I could barrow them for tonight. I said thanks and got started on switching my wheels out. I then put on my knee pads, then skates, elbow pads, helmet, wrist guards and decided to take a roll on the track.

Track Time
I skated around a few times, I was shaking in my boots (literally)  I saw a familiar face. A referee. Cowboy. I knew he could help me out. So I talked to him, he told me just to relax and I would be fine. But he didn't know at the time I had a huge crush on him and wanted to show him my skills. So sure telling me to relax just wasn't going to happen.

Now it was time that the team all came on. We worked on some pack drills, foot work, the normal warm-up routine. To be honest I don't remember much about this part.

Are You Ready For Some Roller Derby?
The announcer had begun to talk, asking everyone to stand and remove their hats. This was it. It was real. I removed my helmet. Listened and sang along with the National Anthem, getting goose bumps during "And the home of brave" (like usual) Everyone cheered and then we strapped our helmets on and we were ready to go. We skated in a pack as we were all announced in our derby names. We cheered for the other team when it was their team. We made our way to the bench. Coach had the starting line up. I was not in the starting line up but that was more than OK with me. The jammers lined up and the blockers line up in their respected areas. The ref blew the first whistle and the blockers were off (slow moving) a few seconds later the whistle blew again and the jammers were off. The crowd cheering, girls in the pack yelling at their teammates telling them what to do. I don't remember to much about the bout. I can't tell you the scores or anything specific other than the fact that when I was first sent into play I received a major and sent to the box, on my way to catch up with the pack I took off like a bat out of hell. Skating as hard as I could I was crossing over, no one even around and I wiped out HARD! I heard the crowds reaction and felt so embarrassed but I didn't care. I got up as quick as I could and got back with the pack. I do remember that out there it was so CRAZY not like practice at all. These girls were not holding back. The hits were harder, more real; but they didn't hurt. All I could do was smile. I was having fun and I loved it!

We won! It was such a rush! We had our victory lap and shook hands of fans and the other team. Family, friends, and fans made their way to the track; taking pictures with skaters, shaking hands, smiles everywhere. We made our way to the locker room. Taking off only our skates and pads. Then we were off to the after party!

After Party
I made my way out to the parking lot. Most cars gone accept those of skaters. Lots of girls hooting and hollering. All sorts of joy. A teammate next to me was tailgating. We waited for the rest of the team and all went to the local bar where the after party was held. Me only being 19 was extremely nervous about being able to get into the bar. I walked in with no problem and made my way to the back. There was pizza. I had a slice and couldn't eat anymore. To much excitement to worry about eating. Next thing I know my teammates are yelling at me asking if I can chug beer. I told them I didn't like beer but I could chug; they said that was good enough! I wasn't sure what was going on, they threw me in a line with 4 other teammates and 5 from the other team. It was a chug off...I was 3rd in line. The first 2 were slow chuggers, I picked up the slack slamming mine (wanting to puke, trying not to taste the beer) but they were already on their 4th person. We lost the chug challenge; but it was one hell of a good time. After the chug we all just hung out, talking derby. It was such a cool feeling knowing that we were all just beating each other up and now we were drinking together.

This is one memory I will never forget!


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