Sunday, September 1, 2013

Derby Athletes vs. Pro Athletes

Some say that roller derby is not a REAL sport. Shoot, they don't know the half of it. Pro athletes get paid to play there sport of choice. Derby girls how ever have to pay for there gear, dues,transportation, jerseys and medical coverage. Pro athletes have team gear, team bus, new jerseys (often) top of the line Nike's the list goes on. Derby girls pay for there things out of pocket. If they get hurt during a bout let's say a broken leg. Not only is she out for the season, but what is that going to do at her full time job that she has to return to on Monday. She may have kids at  home. How is she to feed and care for them. Yes she may have a spouse. A pro athlete's job is to play that sport yes if they are hurt they can't play but they are still on that contract. They still get a paycheck. Derby girls do not get paid for all the hard work, hours of time, gallons of sweat. Pro's my have to play every week or even several days out of the week and the average derby girl only bouts 1-2 a month. So if they get injured they have about a month to recover but they still have to go on with every activities like going to work; if pro's get hurt they just can't simply work. Pro sports like football have almost made there games "no contact" like you can't hit the quarter back, in derby there are restricted areas but you still get hit with all the power of another player. In derby we have only knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, mouth guard, and a helmet where as in football they have full set of pads, helmets, butt pads, mouth guard. You tell me who is more exposed and likely to get hurt. Yes this is the sport I chose and so many other ladies chose. But before you go saying that derby isn't a real sport or there is no real threat of us getting hurt. Just take a step back and compare the sports. Any more pro sports are just a reality TV show, derby on the other hand is a great example of love and dedication.


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