Monday, September 23, 2013

High Boot vs. Low Boot

Ahhh so this has been a struggle for me. I started with a low boot and I was shaky and really unsteady. A skater on my team suggested using a high boot. I was like sure why not I have nothing to lose. Well come to find out I was able to skate a lot better. I was stable not as wobbly. I was gaining confidence. I was now able to do things with out getting spaghetti legs. So I skated with a high boot for 5 months not giving it a second thought. Once I started with OCCRG my coach Deadwards suggested I start thinking about a low boot. She explained that I would be able to do thing with more ease. Things that I could already do but was struggling with. She pointed out that since my high boot was restricting my ankles I was not able to get the angle I needed to complete the drill to the best of my ability. So I gave it some thought and did some researching on line. Asking other skaters what they thought and brands the liked. I was on a Facebook page Roller Derby Recyclables and I fell in love with a pair that I had to have. I sent the girl my payment on Friday and Monday morning they were on my door step. They are nothing fancy by any means. Tuesday came and I was so excited for practice. I strapped on my (new to me) Carrera's and I was ready to go, so I thought. I stood up and I was like "Oh buddy this shall be interesting" I felt like I was back to square one. I was at my first day of practice again. It took me awhile but then I became less wobbly. I noticed right away that when I would cross over I was able to do it with less work. I was able to cross over deeper. I was able to get more speed. Deadwards said she could tell already that my skating looked better. I also better better. Yes I was not as confident as I was in my high boot, but I would get there. I tried doing just basic skills that I had no problem doing in my high boots; T-Stops were extremely difficult for me to do in a low boot, I'm not sure why it was so hard but I'm assuming it was because I had to figure out how to place my weight since the heel in my low boot was much smaller then the heel in my high boot. I have been getting better with my Tomahawks too. I feel like I am much better at them because I can twist my ankle unlike before. I wish I could have switched before so that maybe the transition would not have been so terrifying and difficult. Yes I miss my high boot but I am glad that I made the switch back to a low boot. I feel like I can become a better derby player this way. But like anything else it just takes practice getting used to things :)


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