Monday, September 30, 2013

Skate Laces

So I have really FREAKING WEIRD feet. Its like one is bigger than the other (normal) but one is also wider than the other. Its like If I tie my shoe laces to tight my feet go numb, but if it is to lose I feel like my feel are going to slip out of my skates. So...I did some looking online and there is a lot of different ways to lace your shoes or skates to help them fit your feet better. There were lots of different descriptions which was very HELPFUL!

This link was nice and had good description. I personally did not find any of these to help me.

This link was great too, I really like how they used different colors which helped (I am very visual)

Now the method that I chose was just kinda random I was just playing around with my laces and now my feet only go numb when we do a lot of toe stop drills, but it is so nice being able to feel my feet again. Here is how I did mine

I skipped the first two holes and started on the third. That way the boot was able to give me a bit more room instead of being tight down at the ball of my foot were the numbness was coming from. I had to play with what way I started the laces because the first time I started from the inside out and I was having to tie them from the inside rather that coming over the top, tying from the inside sucked for me because I was not able to get my skates tight and was just a bad deal; I was having to stop in the middle of practice to tie my skates over and over. So I guess my best advice would be to just play around with your laces and see how it feel. Hell why you are at it, get some cool laces :) 


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