Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Champs November 8th-10th

I attended WFTDA Championships for the first time this past weekend and holy cow it was AWESOME!!! Yes I had to work 38 days straight to save up to go to champs but it was totally worth it! It was a great experience and I feel everyone should experience it.
It was so amazing to be around so many people that were at the US Cellular Area for the same reason... to watch some kick ass roller derby. It was like a full 29 hours of derby!
The top things that I took away from this past weekend...
-Communication: this is key. With out communication you have nothing. Even if it is just telling you teammate that she had a great block. You have to let your teammates where the jammer is coming from (inside, outside, middle, ect)
-Awareness: While watching Gotham, it amazed me that they all knew what was going to happen. Those ladies knew what was going to happen before it did. They were all so aware of everything. They seemed like they were all about there own jam but would call off the jam with out looking to see where the other jammer was.
-Never Give Up: There was a skater by the name of Bigg Rigg she skated for Ohio she was just the smallest little thing but she was trying to get through Gotham's wall and was struggling but she kept pushing and pushing. A few times she took a block towards Suzy who was twice her size and I admire that.
-Staying Calm: Bonnie Thunders was great about this. She was the one that stuck out the most to me. She was just so fluent and calm. If she got caught up in a wall she just backed up and went at it another way and for right through. It seemed to me like Bonnie just got through walls with easy. She got through the smallest of gaps (that I would get caught up in)
Those are just a few of the main things I really want to work on. There were so many good players. I got to meet a few of my heroes. Such as Suzy HotRod, Bonnie Thunders, Jackie Daniels, and Quadzilla. It was amazing that they were all at the same place at the same time. My over all goal for derby is not to win the goal (yes that is what we as a team will work towards, but my individual goal is to become like Bonnie, Suzy, and Jackie. All so different but so much alike. Their skills amazing. And yet they would be nothing with out their teammates.
Suzy Hotrod and I>>
^^^Suzy Hotrod jamming against Ohio^^^
Jackie Daniels>>>
Jackie Daniels>>>

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