Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Team Captain

It is a new year and new year means new season. Everyone has goals they want to achieve. Well this year I wanted to be more involved with my team and not so much worrying about myself.
It was time to nominate skaters to be captains and co-captains. You could nominate yourself or another skater, write a paragraph on why you think they should be captain and submit. Right away I was intreaged. I read what the job duties included and signed up for the job. Now I have had some captain experience when I was in high school I was a cross country captain for 3 years, basketball for 1 year and softball for 1 year. I am a leader, I encourage my team, I have a voice and know when to use it. I thought this was what I wanted. After I submitted my entry I got to thinking "maybe this will be to much for me to handle" "do I really want this" At practice my coaches kept talking about it and I was becoming very anxious about it. It came down to it that there were only two of us that signed up. So the team took a vote to make sure everyone was ok with me and my teammate Nell being captains. We got approved. So now it is time to business. 
I am still kinda overwhelmed on what I have to do but I'll start out with the easy task of taking attendance. I hope that I can help my team; but also helping myself and not letting derby control my life like it has before. But I think now that I  have seen what I was like before. I think that being a captain will help me better as a skater and help me on and off the track! 
Wish me luck! 


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